dreamcastR’s blog

This blog involves me, the only person in the world. Blogging about things that only I experience, being the only human alive.

Entry 2

The interview actually went pretty well, and I (practically) got hired on the spot! I had to get my food workers permit, but I did that in a measly 2 hours. So, I'm just waiting on the e-mail to fill out my W-2 form. My parents are pretty proud of me and, well.. I'm just glad I'll be making money again. And.. you know. Possibly getting out of their house soon. Am I ready for that yet? Couldn't say. Not even sure if I'm going to school again for some IT stuff yet. Will I work a mediocre paying job all my life? Who knows. Only the future can tell.

I'm thinking about doing a song quote per blog post. Music is a huge part of my life, so, I'd like to incorporate it into these blog posts somehow. Even if it doesn't make sense, you know? Maybe you don't know. Oh well. I'm gonna do it anyways.


"When darkness drown your bleeding heart
And tyrants tear your world apart
And none of it is making sense
It's all mistakes or accidents"

-Star F--king Hipsters, on "Only Sleep"